University Sales and Solicitation Permit Request

If you are selling food, have you received an approved food waiver from the University Catering Office?

Please note that if you are having food and have not received an approved waiver from the University Catering Office, this request will be promptly denied.

For more information on food waivers, please use the following link: WAIVER REQUEST and/or email
If you are having food and received an approved food waiver from the University Catering Office, please attach.
In order to conduct fundraising activities of any kind on campus, registered student organizations must have a confirmed reservation for a space(s) through University Events and Conference Services (UECS).

Reservation requests can be made using the following link: REQUEST FORM and/or contacting UECS at and/or 330-672/3202.

Does your registered student organization have a confirmed reservation with UECS?
